Tag Archives: WHOLE FOOD


SUMMARY:  Your gut microbiome allows you to live your life with health, wellness, and vitality, or illness and disease.  Without a doubt, the MICROBIOME RULES; WHAT IS MICROBIOME?

If you haven’t already done so, you should read the post, “Diet and other things Determines Our Microbiome” to be certain you are up to date not only with what this dynamic virtual organ is, but also are cognizant of the many factors that affect the microbiome.  
We can modulate this microbiome; the science is exploding daily with research that is unveiling the vast impact the gut microbiome has on all of our inner workings.
FOOD ALTERS THE MICROBIOME, with a focus here on celiac and autism, although the insight applies to all autoimmunes and chronic disease.

The post “Food Managing Autism and IBD: The Studies,” details the studies (and includes current ongoing clinical trials) showing dietary intervention (that heals the gut) can result in IBD remission or management of autism.  Such occurs through optimization of the microbiome since the food we feed the microbiome, determines the gut’s community of microbiota, whose role is to affect immunity, health, wellness, and vitality.  Thus, anyone looking to improve health needs to look first at optimizing the gut microbiome.

Click here to read full article


Summary:  This post give A FEW INDEX CARD RECIPES FOR WHOLE FOODS. Snip and save!  I get it.  You don’t know how to cook or bake, but you know you have to figure this out.  Or maybe you are a genius in the kitchen, but…  Whoever heard of coconut flour, rancid industrial seed oils, grass-fed or pastured animals and animal by-products, or of soaking, sprouting, and dehydrating grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes for proper preparation to neutralize the inflammatory compounds inherent within these foods that is so disease promoting?  And… that listing is just a few incidentals of Whole Food preparation!  Don’t despair.  Most “Whole Food” foodies did not know how to cook using such ingredients and techniques at the beginning either as ALL of us were unfamiliar with such!  To help get you started, here are some index cards, but there’s more posted on the website (see below for how to locate those), and on my  Pinterest!

Click here to read full article