Category Archives: Blog: Microbiome

See My Microbiome Recipes on Instagram with practical insights

SUMMARY:  GREAT NEWS:  My Instagram @patty.carter is posting some of my gut flora supporting microbiome recipes!I will still continue to post recipes on this website (and other posts with direct links to the science) ⇔  I’m adding Instagram because it is a great work around for the Pinterest failure to post the entire description on images posted (at this time, they truncate descriptions when you view them)!  Of course, continue contacting me direct for those Pinterest recipes, all of which focus on the healing diet tenets from SCD, PALEO, Mediterranean Diet, and others!  The second reason for adding Instagram is that I will post practical insights for integrating microbiome support into your lifestyle effortlessly and seamlessly  like today’s Instagram post showed my Whole Foods Market food haul, and it linked to the newly published May, 2018 American Gut new findings ♥♥♥ The bottom line, for my Instagram…it is best if you follow me to get the full recipe and practical integration insights, (but you don’t need to) –> just link here @patty.carter! The balance of this website post shares what posted in my Instagram today which included my Whole Foods Market food haul, and the link to the newly published May, 2018 American Gut new findings  (which continues to confirm that 30 different vegetables consumed each week is best for microbiome diversity and health) ♥♥♥

Click here to read full article

Town Hall Medicine Microbiome Talks

SUMMARY:  I’m sharing two weeks of FREE access to the Town Hall Medicine Microbiome Talks from twenty-one key microbiome researchers and includes clinicians integrating microbiome into therapeutics!  This educational series is presented by University of Toronto’s Heather Boon PhD, Dean of Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy and Stewart Brown, Founder & CEO, Genuine Health, a science based natural health company.  These talks are short and to the point, AND you can download the transcripts for later reading.  There has been a ton going on in the ivory towers of academia and science research uncovering just how important the gut microbiome is to health and well-being and its impact on the immune system.  Microbiome associations are now known for hypertension (34 percent population prevalence ), atherosclerosis (39 percent), anxiety and depression (10 percent), weight gain, obesity (29+ percent), autoimmune diseases (20 percent — mostly women), Type 1 and 2 Diabetes (36 percent), metabolic syndrome (34 percent), IBD (10 to 15 percent), asthma allergy, autism, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, stress-induced and progressive neuropsychiatric diseases, AND prolonged low-grade inflammation which is behind most all disease (51% of adults have at least one chronic disease, 27% of kids have one or more chronic diseases).  Yet none of microbiome — disease impact is pouring down to us mere mortals none the less doctors — I would know; I teach Microbiome CME.  When twins having 100% identical human DNA only have 40 percent of the same gut microbiota, imagine how different your microbiota is from everyone else.  Spoiler alert:  Your gut microbiota is 99 percent different from everyone else and our microbiota explains why each and every one of our bodies (and minds) behave so differently!  Knowledge is power, and these talks share how microbiome understanding is being put on the forefront of therapeutic integration to reverse and prevent disease.  Now that is aggressive preventative medicine especially since 70 to 80 percent of our immune cells reside in the health of our gut microbiome.  Enjoy the listen, and Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, early!

Background on Town Hall Medicine Microbiome Talks

This science based initiative shares my vision that knowledge is power They believe that through access to credible science-backed information, you can have the knowledge you need to take steps to live a healthier life. To give you that knowledge, they gathered top scientists, researchers, clinicians and thought leaders from around the world – some of the best of the best from such respected institutions as Harvard, UCLA, University of Western Australia, University of British Columbia and University of Toronto – to share their research findings directly with you. These experts are highly respected in their fields, and I’ve followed them for years.  Their work is changing how we think about our health and that diet and lifestyle can alter gene expression, and reverse and prevent chronic disease. For more on that, this post simply explains How Diet Pierces the Disease Epigenetics Process. The goal of Town Hall Medicine is to elevate the conversation on current health topics by providing information that is accurate, credible, proven and trusted

Sign up for your two-week FREE access, hop around the different talks, and jump UP the microbiome learning curve to better health.

Town Hall Medicine Microbiome Talks_FREE 2 week pass
Town Hall Medicine Microbiome Talks_FREE 2 week pass

Here are just some of the talks you may find interesting…  

  • Stress and aging is talked about under “The New Path to Health”. Noodle around these recent studies in this area:

[Kimball et al 2017] found that in women, skin gene expression progressively changes from the 20s to the 70s in pathways related to oxidative stress, energy metabolism, senescence, and epidermal barrier and that these changes accelerated in the 60s and 70s. The gene expression patterns from the subset of women who were younger-appearing were similar to those in women who were actually younger! Here’s a good ScienceDaily article on this study, and this post simply explains How Diet Pierces the Disease Epigenetics Process. Suffice it to say, these skin epigenetic findings makes all the sense in the world — Eating a diet that supports your gut microbiota does GREAT things both inside our bodies and on the outside — I see these “side effect facelift” transformations everyday! 

Click here to read full article

CME MICROBIOME Questions & Answers

SUMMARY CME MICROBIOME Questions is where the rubber meets the road!  I learn what you really take away from the evidence packed Introduction to Microbiome presentation!!!  Not only was it a GREAT turnout for the CME MICROBIOME, DISEASE, THERAPEUTICS, NUTRITION held OCT 25, 2017 in Pittsburgh, at Passavant Hospital (see this post for details), but the questions asked by these medical providers were spot on! Read below for some of the Q&A with focus on:  What to do if on the “Avoid Diet”,  the MIND Diet and Dementia Prevention, fermented foods, and the ketogenic diet — MACS, fruit and weight!  The Therapeutic Manipulation of Microbiome slide (see below) shows how microbiome nourishingly sick the Standard America Diet is.  Some call this diet void of MACs, or microbiota-accessible carbohydrates, leaving the microbiome to nosh on our carb-rich mucus gut lining, when dietary pickings get slim.  [Desai et al 2016]  This CME crowd took their first ever pass into the anaerobic world of this newly discovered organ and saw its systemic body-wide devastating health impact when the gut lining becomes compromised (see the below slide) ⇒ The next step is to learn our bolt on presentations of evidence based therapeutic diet ⇔  lifestyle changes that can move this organ to health.   ♥ You want great timely, current, incredible microbiome and nutrition CME programs  because microbiome information is what your medical professionals NEED to stay cutting edge current in understanding how to help patients keep (or move) off diseasespan!  Click here to contact us 

Biome Onboard Awareness, LLC

Businesses (especially self insured) looking to reduce healthcare costs, can contact us too because microbiome information is what  your employees NEED to hear to keep (or move) them off diseasespan.   Individuals and other groups wanting to hear this information can also CONTACT us to make that happen!  See here for our SERVICES!

CME MICROBIOME Questions & Answers

I’m on the ‘Avoid’ Diet. “What do you recommend I do to get off that diet? 

First, the ‘Avoid Diet’ is on my ending slide, shown below!  Generally, it is associated with the most restrictive elimination diet, Wahl’s Protocol, having research including clinical trial for neurological based MS as well as grants written for study for Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and ALS.  I explained that ALL of the healing diets meld together in that they are =&0=&.  David Katz, MD noted the same, Oct 2017, in “Awakening From Alzheimer’s”, Episode 11.  Further, he explained that what we can ALL agree on resolves over 80 percent of the health concerns as shown by the North Karelia Project (Finland).  Consider the ‘Avoid Diet’ tenets as food for thought when health isn’t restored.  I totally ♥ this question because it shows that my presentation motivated this doc to rethink diet and instilled desire to act to get off the path leading to diseasespan!  Patient microbiome awareness education nudges nearer, and that is so necessary!

“Don’t ever underestimate the public — the key issue is lack of knowledge about microbes, not lack of intelligence,” 

—Ed Yong keynote, October’s 2017 MoBE.

My suggestions were:

  • Quitting things cold turkey can be hard.  I don’t recommend it!
  • Try eliminating the bad by crowding it out with better alternatives!  
  • You cannot make the transition over night.
  • The tools I provide really help!  The Interactive Fiber Spreadsheet teaches what YOUR fiber loads are and especially those supporting your beasties.  The EASY 10 Day Journal Spreadsheet teaches you what YOUR proportion of meats, dairy… and most important, processed and prepared foods are.  Those usually contain gut harming emulsifiers [see this post], sweeteners, and other additives as well as low quality antibiotic and hormone laced meat and dairy protein and pesticide laced vegetables and fruits.  The worksheet listings of vegs and fruits (Wahl’s Protocol and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Phytonutrient PDF) helps you bump  up your intake.  Target 30 different vegs each week for microbiome diversity [see this post].  There are 21 meals in one week (3 each day).  Think about eating a different vegetable or two at each meal!
  • You can’t stop everything you are doing if you aren’t prepared to replace it with healthier alternatives.  You need some recipes.
  • I already armed you with a bank of recipes!  Use my  Pinterest Boards to learn what to eat and how to cook redic delic family and friend approved whole real microbiome friendly food.   Focus on eliminating processed foods (having gut harming additives like emulsifiers) and increasing vegs! 
  •  Certain vegs contain microbiota-accessible carbohydrates, or MACs, which nourish the beasties towards anti-inflammatory, and provides them food so that they don’t nosh on our carb-rich mucus gut lining, when dietary pickings get slim.  [Desai et al 2016] The post, Fiber Additives Starve Gut Gut Microbes, They Eat Mucus Lining helps to explain.
  • Contact me if recipes alone are not getting you where you want!
Healing Diet similarity

The top healing diets in each category share similar attributes including balance, higher vegetable and some fruit (especially low sugar like berries, avocados), wild caught fish/increased Omega-3s, fermented food, awareness of EWG toxin recommendations, along with self-awareness and monitoring of what you eat through journaling, and most important, finding a like-minded tribe of experienced healing diet eaters able to support your learning thereby establishing Blue Zones within families, to friends, to communities. =&1=& An emphasis on frequent, structured exercise and physical activity are also common themes.

With awareness of the many tenets of healing type diets and lifestyle impact on the microbiome, small diet and lifestyle changes result in big health improvement without the perceived rigidity of following a traditional diet plan, and these changes motivate you to your NEXT.  – much is an excerpt from my post, What’s in a Practical Whole Foods PALEO, SCD, GAPS Healing Fridge?

Replicate the MODEL that WORKS for people successfully implementing diet change:

Experienced Eaters TEACH ‘Need to Know’ =&2=&

=&3=& Click here to read full article

Fasano, FREE: Early Nutrition Influences Microbiome, Disease

SUMMARY:   Our food choices are fundamental for health.  The next Integrated Functional Medicine Grand Rounds installment with Cleveland Clinic is coming up on Tuesday, December 13, 2016. Listen, for FREE as Dr. Alessio FASANO, MD speaks on How Early Nutrition Influences Microbiome, Disease.  This is an incredible opportunity officially titled:  How Early Nutrition Influences Gut Microbiome and Metabolic Profiles in Health and Disease: Shifting From a Disease-Centered Approach to Patient-Oriented Functional Medicine.  For background, I have followed Dr. Fasano’s work for ages.  He is a leading gut inflammation light who put Celiac Disease, and Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity, on the map in the US when all US health agencies literally told him those were “across the pond”.  When that happens, you know you are about to make a major break thru that will ruffle lots of feathers.  He persevered, and his findings will re-write the medical books.  Those findings opened the doors for what is now understood as:  Gut permeability ⇒ immune stimulation ⇒ inflammation ⇒ gut and systemic  ramifications ⇒ autoimmune and chronic disease.   Listen in to Dr. Fasano, FREE,  Early Nutrition Influences Microbiome, Disease!

Your doc wasn’t taught this nor are they likely talking to you about microbiome and inflammation and how to move off the spectrum of inflammation, autoimmune and chronic disease. That is sad because many are learning about microbiome and changing diet and lifestyle to reduce that inflammatory microbiome disease tone.  You can too by restoring and optimizing your microbiome.  Contact me for the EASY How-To — that doesn’t break the bank either.

Listen in to Dr. Fasano, FREE,  Early Nutrition Influences Microbiome, Disease!

REGISTER HERE,  How Early Nutrition Influences Gut Microbiome and Metabolic Profiles in Health and Disease: Shifting From a Disease-Centered Approach to Patient-Oriented Functional Medicine.

Click here to read full article

Microbiome Awareness Conversation from Seminar

SUMMARY:  Sharing more Microbiome Awareness conversation from the May 26 seminar, so that all can benefit, even those unable to attend!  Learn great microbiome support tips!  Amaze yourself with how much you actually learned and know!  Comment if I don’t touch on your thoughts; lets continue the conversation! 

Background and more on our bio

Dana Grau and I spoke at the Microbiome Awareness Seminar.  We explained what the microbiome is and included discussion of diet and lifestyle impact to the microbiome which affects its health.  70+ percent our immunity resides in the health of the microbiome and that microbial community then plays a key role in determining your health:

The crucial position of the gastrointestinal system is testified by the huge amount of immune cells that reside within it. Gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) is the prominent part of mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) and represents almost 70% of the entire immune system; moreover, about 80% of plasma cells [mainly immunoglobulin A (IgA)-bearing cells] reside there.  GALT interacts strictly with gastrointestinal functions in a dynamic manner; for instance, by increasing intestinal permeability in replay to particular stimulations, or orientating the immune response towards luminal content, allowing either tolerance or elimination/degradation of luminal antigens, or sometimes provoking damage to the intestinal mucosa, such as in coeliac disease or food allergy. – Allergy and the gastrointestinal system

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Type 2 Diabetes, diet, microbiome

Summary:  Say you use to have Type 2 Diabetes.  How?  READ this study from ITALY.  Ma-Pi 2 diet for Type 2 Diabetes WORKED.  Type 2 Diabetes, diet, microbiome; the Ma-Pi 2 diet for Type 2 Diabetes is dietary modulation of microbiome.  Although this diet BEAT the current recommended diet by Italian professional societies (CTR) consider using it short term and supplementing the diet similar to recommendations by Drs. Mark Hyman and David Ludwig noted below, with healthy fat, wild caught fish, berries, and fermented dairy (if tolerated), since the restriction of certain groups could lead to nutritional deficiencies especially vitamin B12 and calcium.   Actually, Dr. Hyman just offered his 10 Day Detox diet for FREE to the public that clarifies all the food recommended.  You can read about that at the post, JOIN DR. MARK HYMAN FREE 10 DAY DETOX CHALLENGE.  You may still be able to take advantage of this opportunity.  To clarify the carb loads for diabetes, Dr. Ruby Aujla’s Advice to Diabetes page (which is 100% in accord with Dr. Hyman’s 10 Day Detox) says,  Get your carbs from colorful plant based sources.  Even breakfast should be brimming with those!  Bread, White Rice, Pastas, White potato, Cereals (even cereals marketed as ‘wholegrain’), Instant Oats, Refined Grains, white potato are OUT.”  The Ma-Pi2 study describes in pain staking detail, microbiome wise, microbiome impact.   Talk with your doctor for Ma-Pi 2 integration with therapy.  Managing the microbiome through diet is new, grassroots, and it works.   SAVE a friend and SHARE this post. 

Type 2 Diabetes, diet, microbiome

Ma-Pi 2, but NOT the CTR, counteracted increase of possible pro-inflammatory microbiome species

This is a major difference!  Ma-Pi 2, but NOT the CTR, counteracted increase of possible pro-inflammatory microbiome species, showing the potential to reverse pro-inflammatory dysbioses in T2D, and possibly explaining the greater efficacy in improving the metabolic control.  You already know:  The foods you eat pre-selects your microbiome comunity!  Think of it as your microbial passengers seeing a lot of sugar from the boatload of starch and sugar you eat… those microbial passengers are looking for the missing antioxidants (from berries and EVOO for example), the missing phytonutrients and phytochemicals (from vegetables, fruits…), and etc.  Feed them what they need to flousish beneficially and you’ll see weight, waistline, and increased energy results!

Ma-Pi 2 was more effective then CTR in reducing fasting and postprandial blood glucose, glycated Hb (HbA1c), serum cholesterol, homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), BMI and waist and hip circumferences compared with the CTR diet.

What is the Ma-Pi 2 Diet?

Ma-Pi 2 is complex carbohydrates, legumes, fermented products, sea salt and green tea, and it excludes fat and protein from animal source and added sugars. 

My preliminary research on what exactly is the MA-PI 2 diet gives pause; the restriction of certain groups could lead to nutritional deficiencies especially vitamin B12 and calcium.   Think about using Ma-Pi 2 short term and of supplementing the diet with healthy fat, wild caught fish, berries, and fermented dairy similar to recommendations by Drs Mark Hyman and David Ludwig:  

Updated 10/23/2016:  The fat/carb loads are confusing.  The bottom line is that all calories are not alike.  Dr. Mark Hyman, Cleveland Clinic, has an incredible YouTube summary of the macronutrient balance for fat intake at  Why Fat Doesn’t Make You Fat!  Another favorite researcher is Dr. David Ludwig.  One of my favorite posts of Dr. Ludwig’s is at: Dr. David Ludwig clears up carbohydrate confusion. An important excerpt:  

… highly processed [refined grain, for example,] rice cereal [so much for those going gluten-free and choosing Cheerios] and table sugar may taste different, but below the neck they both cause metabolic problems.  The distinction between sugar and starch is largely meaningless from a biological perspective. The key public health challenge today is to reduce intake of all highly processed carbohydrates in favor of whole carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables, legumes and minimally processed grains) and healthful fats (like nuts, avocado and olive oil).

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Breast microbiome and Cancer Risk Assessment tool

SUMMARY:  Recent studies challenge dogma and find that healthy breast tissue is NOT sterilafter-all. The breast seems to have its own microbiome of bacteria and such seems protective; dysbiosis (REDUCED richness and/or certain species) was associated with breast cancer.   Furthermore, healthy breast tissue had bacteria  Sphingomonas yanoikuyae (Proteobacteria), which is better known to degrade pollutants in the environment. In the cancer samples, there was little to none of S. yanoikuyae; this bacteria is able to use estradiols including 17-β estradiol, which are believed to be associated with breast cancer. The authors could not determine causality due to lack of S. yanoikuyae. Learn in this post microbiome implications for breast cancer, free online breast cancer risk assessment tools, ongoing studies personalizing cancer risk for mammogram frequency to reduce false positives, and look over a decent listing for cutting your risk for breast cancer in the first place from Prevention. Included specifically on that list is carotenoid loads which I preach about, including the need to consume carotenoids with the correct healthy fat so as to absorb them. LOWFAT DOES NOT ABSORB THOSE CAROTENOIDS.

The Pearl:  In 5 years, based on WISDOM study findings, all American women could be screened according to their own personal risk of breast cancer instead of one-size-fits-all recommendations.

Implications of the breast microbiome finding:

This research is contravening two longstanding bedrock assumptions that have underscored all modern attempts to find a cancer cause.

The first has been the almost universal belief that nearly all cancers are due to isolated genetic mutations that spontaneously occur in certain individuals. It has been assumed that breast cancers begin in single cells as isolated genetic mutations that occur more frequently in some individuals than others based on risk factors that may included diet, age or certain genetic variants that are known to run in families. The second concurrent presumption was that that all tissues in the body are sterile in the normal individual, and naturally, this includes breast tissue. -Physicians News Digest, What history is teaching us about breast cancer

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Finally, an IBD microbiome drug goes to clinical trial

Summary:  Seres Therapeutics began its Phase 1b placebo controlled clinical trial on Dec 14, 2015, for SER-287, which is the first drug aimed at the microbiome for a non-infectious, chronic condition, ulcerative colitis (UC).  This is the first IBD microbiome drug that actually targets the constituents of the microbiome. This approach treats chronic disease without suppressing  the body’s immune response. Instead, specific strains of bacteria are introduced that re-balance the billions of different types of bacteria that are in the digestive tract, which then increases immunity and manages the disease.  Instead of being immunosuppressive, this treatment targets the root cause of UC  which is gut dysbiosis, increasing immunity. SER-287 clinical trial is currently recruiting participants if you are interested; contact information is below.

Note:  The immune system outsmarts anti-TNF meds a lot of times — 30 to 80% of the time for IBD.  Isn’t that a crazy broad failure range?  This post speaks to some of the whys of that failure.  And… realize a lot more diseases use these immunosuppressive meds beyond IBD.

I wrote about the immunosuppressant and biologic microbiomes not looking ‘healthy’ in this post, and in fact had the opportunity to have that very question answered and confirmed by Johns Hopkins GI expert Dr. Gerard Mullin, MD at the Evolution of Health Functional Forum, called Microbiome Maximized Medicine, held in NY on October 5, 2015.  The YouTube of that dialogue can be linked to on this post.

These disease microbiome drugs are not immunosuppressive, rather their mechanism of action is to enhance and increase immunity.

Incidentally, healing diets also introduces microorganisms and food substrate matter into the gut that cause mucosal healing with increased immunity to manage chronic disease

I wrote about the microorganisms we ingest at: AVG NUMBERS AND KINDS OF MICROORGANISMS CONSUMED IN A DAY.  Interestingly, the USDA dietary pattern had the highest total microorganisms for the day, due to yogurt and cottage cheese consumption, whereas the AMERICAN and VEGAN dietary patterns had 3 orders of magnitude fewer total microorganisms primarily due to heating probiotic type food such as cheese (which kills microorganisms) or the diet lacks consumption of probiotic type foods.  I am certain the FODMAP type foods omitted or ingested also impact microbiome richness since these food substrates are food for bacteria which if provided, will accordingly bloom bacteria. See here for a FODMAP post. Healing diets contain unheated live fermented foods and tolerable FODMAPS and have been shown to increase microbiome diversity and immunity in compromised guts.  See this post for IBD: 50 IBD SCD REMISSION PATIENTS: RUSH PAPER.

“Bugs as drugs” idea for disease treatment

Startups are harnessing the trillions of bacteria inside us to eradicate chronic disease such as diabetes, obesity, arthritis, MS, autism, depression, and more. This “bugs as drugs” idea for disease treatment packages live strains of bacteria originating from a healthy donor’s microbiome to be used as therapy.

This all began as a fecal microbial transplant (FMT) which is currently approved for antibiotic resistant CDiff infection and has over 90 percent cure.  A startup that  provides FMT substrate matter originated out of a not-for-profit from MIT and is called OpenBiome.  Mark Smith is OpenBiome’s founder who considers that the oral application wouldn’t just reduce the discomfort of the FMT transplant, but that “swallowing a capsule of someone else’s healthy digested material — [that’s where the live strains of bacteria are coming from] or eventually swallowing strains cultivated in a lab,—could become a maintenance therapy for sufferers of a variety of gastrointestinal disorders, and for that, “We’re in the testing and evaluation phase.”  Side bar:  Anecdotal evidence from my follow of numerous DIY groups does lean towards needing repeat FMT for some diseases. Diet impact post-FMT microbiome is not well understood (nor is it understood pre-FMT for the donor) which could impact acceptance of the transplanted microbiome sooner.

FMT are not the way of the future. They are just a transitional solution… [for OpenBiome’s capsule, the first patient to test will be] a quadruple amputee with C. diff. She’s not a good candidate for a fecal transplant, but her doctor thinks this pill might be perfect.” MIT Lab Hosts Nation’s First Stool Bank, But Will It Survive? and WHAT’S LURKING IN YOUR MICROBIOME? POSSIBLY, A CURE FOR DISEASE

Why start with IBD for “bugs as drugs”?

The short of it is, they are picking diseases with known causation being gut dysbiosis; there is a difference with correlation and causation.  “If you’re going to leverage the microbiome for drug discovery, it’s not the correlations that matter. It’s the causal relationships. How are the bacteria interacting with the host in a way that’s driving our biology? Did patients with bowel or intestinal diseases—colitis, for instance—have different gut bacteria profiles because they were ill? Or were they ill because they had different gut bacteria profiles? For example, children with autism often have significant gastrointestinal problems. Yet is that a reason for their autism, or is it just a related fact?”    -WHAT’S LURKING IN YOUR MICROBIOME? POSSIBLY, A CURE FOR DISEASE

The diseases in the right quadrant represent those with known causation as microbiome dysbiosis. Left quadrant diseases have been associated with gut dysbiosis.  DiLaura, of Second Genome, explains, “So our efforts, right now… aims to create a drug for IBD. Difficult as that sounds, it is a modest goal compared to the company’s second order of business: create a drug for metabolic diseases like type 2 diabetes. The first drug, if effective, could affect hundreds of thousands of people; the second, millions”. -WHAT’S LURKING IN YOUR MICROBIOME? POSSIBLY, A CURE FOR DISEASE

Background on Seres medicines

All of Seres’ medicines are made up of  biologically-sourced bacterial spores (which are very different from fungal spores) which can be collected in a capsule for easy administration.  

The first drug candidate from Seres to reach clinical trials is for treatment of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) in adults; this drug. SER-109, is now in Phase 2 trials and is a mixture of bacterial spores from 50 bacterial species taken from healthy donors.  Currently, FMT is used to treat recurrent antibiotic resistant CDI with over 90 percent cure.

SER-287 is the second Seres drug joining alternative capsule treatment for FMT but this time for UC. SER-287 is a microbial cocktail capsule containing “a complex and diverse bacterial spore ecology.

I am concluding the specific microbial composition of SER-287 is sourced from healthy donors as is SER-109; the trial is looking at engraftment of SER-287 bacteria into the intestinal microbial community. Ordinarily, commercial probiotic bacteria such as in yogurt, does not engraft into the microbiome.  These bacteria are transient and repeated consumption is required to maintain and sustain benefit.  Benefit often ceases about 3 days post consumption.

If you want further detail on Seres, see Seres therapeutics website.

Clinical Trial details for SER-287, the first IBD microbiome drug that targets the microbiome

The link to the study is: A Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability and Microbiome Dynamics of SER-287 in Subjects With Ulcerative Colitis.  About 55 patients are expected to enroll; the trial is currently recruiting participants.  The drug used, SER-287, treats UC without suppressing the body’s immune response. Instead, SER-287 delivers specific strains of bacteria to re-balance the billions of different types of bacteria that are in the digestive tract, which then manages the disease.  This treatment is not immunosuppressive; instead it targets the root cause of UC which is gut dysbiosis.

The current standard of care for UC treatment uses drugs that suppress the immune system to reduce inflammation in the colon and rectum which makes patients susceptible not only to infectious diseases, but to cancers that would otherwise be killed off by the immune system.

Primary Outcome Measures of the Clinical Trial:
  • Safety and tolerability of SER-287 vs. placebo in adult subjects by analysis of AE’s, lab values, vital sign, physical exam findings, medical history, and ECG.
  • Examination of baseline composition of the intestinal microbiome to the composition. Changes in the composition of the microbiome will be characterized by rDNA 16S V4 genomic data sets. Changes will be assessed by total number of unique bacteria and microbial composition.
  • Engraftment of SER-287 bacteria into the intestinal microbial community. Microbiome will be characterized by rDNA 16S v4 Genomic Data Sets. Engraftment will be assessed as the outgrowth of bacteria that compromise the SER-287 spore ecology in the subjects GI tract post treatment.
The time frame for the study

December 2015 to June 2017.

Contact for the study

Michele Trucksis, PhD, MD at

Study Locations are:
  • United States, Florida.  Advanced Gastroenterology Ctr, Port Orange, Florida, United States, 32127.  Contact: AMMAR HEMAIDEN, MD    386-763-4920
  • United States, Maryland. Capital Digestive Care, LLC – Metropolitan Gastroenterology  Group (MGG), Chevy Chase, Maryland, United States, 20815. Contact: ROBERT HARDI, MD    240-737-0085.
  • United States, Massachusetts. Community Clinical Research Network, Marlborough, Massachusetts, United States, 01752. Contact: JOHN CURRAN, MD    508-320-9248
You can read more about Seres and SER-287 here:

CEO: Seres Therapeutics ‘walks into flying’ with new trial in ulcerative colitis:

As to why they are targeting UC and not a larger population affected condition such as Type 2 Diabetes or Metabolic Syndrome:  Pomerantz, CEO of Seres explained, “As someone who’s worked on eight infectious disease drugs, I know that you want to walk into flying. You don’t want to fly into flying.”  Seres intends to target metabolic diseases in addition to inflammatory and infectious ones, but other recent microbiome startups are looking even further, at fields like autism or others. Pomerantz maintains that while such diseases may be in the realm of those which can be treated by rebalancing the microbiome, “we don’t think that was smart” to start with them.

Click here to read full article

SCD thoughts given DrOz 3 Day Cleanse, Microbiome

SUMMARY:  Finally! A peek into our trillions of innards on a 3 day fruit and vegetable blitz!  Spoiler alert:  There is NOT much impact 10 days after stopping that 3 day cleanse, microbiome resulting from healing diet tenets persist!  

And that, I think, is the lesson to be learned for the healing diets such as SCD, GAPS, PALEO, AIP, WAHLs, to name a few.  Realize, the tenets of these healing diets are for everyone if you want to prevent chronic disease, not just those with chronic disease.  These protocols increase vegetables and fruits beyond what the normal Standard American Diet (SAD) yokel is consuming and adds in healthy fats so fat soluble vitamins are actually absorbed.  This is done concomitant with ditching processed foods,  including processed sugars, and other inflammatory foods.  How powerful are these tenets?  They are healing and inducing remission in messed up impoverished gut microbiomes, and some of those folks are only 80% compliant with the diet!  Nuff said.  Shouldn’t you know what these tenets are?

Click here to read full article

Preserve & Restore Loss of Microbiome Diversity is Aggressive Preventative Medicine

SUMMARY:  Aggressive Preventative Medicine means preserving the microbiome you have and restoring any loss incurred.  See how far that thought goes with your doctor!  Diet really does work to alter the microbiome and can help to restore loss of microbiome; for example, fermented kimchi actually positively impacted metabolic syndrome factors including systolic and diastolic blood pressures, percent body fat, fasting glucose, and total cholesterol.  

⇒⇒  This post teaches how to reduce the loss of microbiome diversity and restore such – crowding out concept.

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