Tag Archives: Oxalates

Kidney Stones, food.

SUMMARY 1 in 11 people have kidney stones!  They’ve been trying to formulate an oral commercial probiotic for a while because it worked GREAT in mice to decrease the urine oxalate levels.  Oxalates in the kidney are a primary cause of calcium oxalate kidney stones.  But the short of it is that in clinical trials on humans, it FAILS.  Humans are NOT mice, at least as far as this commercial product goes. Another problem was that they  couldn’t even find the target probiotics in some of the commercial products, and that means that it is really hard to process certain gut microbiome species in a manner that permits their commercialization.   The Pearl for kidney health:  Keep eating food that binds the oxalates in the gut so it stays out of the kidney where it can form stones.  Also look at what you are eatingFood should bloom beasties that neutralize the oxalates. And keep the fluids plentiful too!  ♥ Read on to learn about kidney Stones, food ♥ Why?  Because once an individual has formed a stone, the likelihood of recurrence is 50 percent or greater at five years and up to 80 percent at 10 years. 

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