SUMMARY:  Plenty of studies find anti-inflammatory effects of dietary antioxidants such as green tea for chronic disease.  Even in IBD patients, who have a very messed up microbiome (a finding of the American Gut data), the  benefits of antioxidant therapy is well documented (see below studies).  Read here about a simple EASY N=1 hack for one IBD patient that shut down a mild psoriasis skin flare that began two years ago.  They flared psoriasis, but not the autoimmune IBD, eating strict healing diet Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) probably due to a gluten/sugar airborne exposure.  The hack that worked for stopping psoriasis: Green Tea, Black Tea with Lemon Juice antioxidant blend!  I share their recipe here!  It is simple enough that you may want to add it to your immune calming anti-inflammatory arsenal too! Make sure to see below for why it is important to NOT drink Green Tea for antioxidant benefit along with Iron. Â
Tag Archives: detox
Roundup in our food glyphosate and disease: autism, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, gmo, intestinal gut…
SUMMARY:  Roundup on your yard means runoff in your garden, from you or your neighbors use.  It’s ubiquitous in the restaurant and grocery food chain hidden in ingredients: corn, soybeans, canola, and cottonseed oil, and meat from alfalfa-corn-soy eating animals and their other byproducts. It’s found in our urine and breast-milk and cattle’s tissues: intestine, liver, muscle, spleen, kidney, and bone . Â
What’s the harm of eating ubiquitous glyphosate?  Dr. Stephanie Seneff asserts that the glyphosate and disease link is: autism, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and the gmo intestinal gut having related   digestive system disorders leading to disease… In simpleton, glyphosate exposure impairs detox pathways through the microbiome including the liver’s P450 enzymes. Toxins taken onboard are not sufficiently eliminated from the body. Gyphosate kills beneficial gut bacteria allowing pathogens to grow; it interferes with the synthesis of amino acids including methionine which leads to shortages in critical neurotransmitters and folate; it chelates (removes) important minerals like iron, cobalt, manganese, and much more.Â
SUMMARY:  We now understand that disease management requires understanding of:  what is the microbiome, what disrupts it, and what positively affects it.  This post discusses: What is the microbiome, implications of reduced diversity, long term therapeutic diet impact on microbiome, the IBD annual meeting is starting to consider the microbiome, some anecdotal microbiome stories, and why you want microbiome balance & diversity.
FIRST A RECAP (if you already are versed on this information, skip right on down to the Microbiome, What Disrupts It and How to Optimize sections of this post): Â

What is the Microbiome?
It is estimated that the human microbiota contains as many as 1014 bacterial cells, a number that is 10 times greater than the number of human cells present in our bodies.  It is more accurate to say we are hosts of our microbiome rather then that we are human.  The human body is permanently colonized by microbial organisms on virtually every surface that is exposed to the external environment and each such surface has a different microbiome:  skin, mouth, genitalia, genitourinary, respiratory tracts, and the largest colonize, the gut (aka gastrointestinal).  The trillions of organisms live on and in us are collectively called the microbiome: a balanced ecosystem. –“Gut Microbiota in Health and Disease,”
First, for clarity, understand, I hate the work “detox” for this topic.  That term renders visions of things I’d rather not see, and if not that, then of rehab from substance abuse.  Detox of the body as I speak is from total toxin loads taken into the body simply living the lifestyle we live.  Our body takes on a total body toxin load from the air, water, food, and topicals we put into it.  Studies now show increased risk of many diseases due to toxin load. A GREAT webinare that summarizes our bodfy burden is at Support for Environmental Toxin Exposure, Dr Jill, 2015.  Accordingly, we must do what we can to help the body function optimally given the toxin load (some unavoidable) it must deal with and process.  The Detox Summit led by Deanna Minich, PhD can be summarized in a “Punch List”  for “How To Stay In a Toxic World” and the  relevant  heath and disease implications for not, can be found near the bottom of this post.