Biome Onboard Awareness Instagram.1

See My Microbiome Recipes on Instagram with practical insights

Last Updated on January 14, 2019 by Patricia Carter

SUMMARY:  GREAT NEWS:  My Instagram @patty.carter is posting some of my gut flora supporting microbiome recipes!  I will still continue to post recipes on this website (and other posts with direct links to the science) â‡”  I’m adding Instagram because it is a great work around for the Pinterest failure to post the entire description on images posted (at this time, they truncate descriptions when you view them)!  Of course, continue contacting me direct for those Pinterest recipes, all of which focus on the healing diet tenets from SCD, PALEO, Mediterranean Diet, and others!  The second reason for adding Instagram is that I will post practical insights for integrating microbiome support into your lifestyle effortlessly and seamlessly â‡’  like today’s Instagram post showed my Whole Foods Market food haul, and it linked to the newly published May, 2018 American Gut new findings ♥♥♥    The bottom line, for my Instagram… it is best if you follow me to get the full recipe and practical integration insights, (but you don’t need to) –> just link here @patty.carter! The balance of this website post shares what posted in my Instagram today which included my Whole Foods Market food haul, and the link to the newly published May, 2018 American Gut new findings  (which continues to confirm that 30 different vegetables consumed each week is best for microbiome diversity and health) ♥♥♥

My Microbiome Instagram

Today’s Instagram post showed my Whole Foods Market food haul AND linked to the very recently published American Gut –> May, 2018 findings [McDonald et al 2018] which in sum:

  • VEGETABLE QUANTITY AND DIVERSITY.  The update reinforced the importance of 30 different vegs each week NO matter the diet prescribed to (vegetarian, vegan, etc.) for increased microbiome diversity (and thus immune system boost and health). See the post Optimal Microbiome Diet from American Gut for more!

  • ANTIBIOTICS.  Gut diversity is reduced if antibiotics were taken within the last year.  But, paradoxically, people who had taken antibiotics recently had significantly greater diversity in the types of chemicals in their gut samples than those who had not taken antibiotics in the past year.  The participants who ate more than 30 plants per week also had fewer antibiotic resistance genes in their gut microbiomes than people who ate 10 or fewer plants. In other words, the bacteria living in the guts of the plant-lovers had fewer genes that encode the molecular pumps that help the bacteria avoid antibiotics. This study didn’t address why this might be the case, but the researchers think it could be because people who eat fewer plants may instead be eating more meat from antibiotic-treated animals or processed foods with antibiotics added as a preservative, which may favor the survival of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.” â€” US San Diego Health, Big Data from World’s Largest Citizen Science Microbiome Project Serves Food for Thought
  • Findings for depression, schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or bipolar disorder were:  These participants had more in common with other people with mental disorders, in terms of the bacteria makeup of their gut microbiomes, than they did with their mentally healthy pairs having same country, age, gender and body mass index.  The observation held true in both U.S. and U.K. populations, in males and females, and across age groups. The team also found some indications that specific bacteria types may be more common in people with depression than people who do not have the condition.

  • My Whole Foods Haul with the post from today’s Instagram is: 

    Here is my food haul from Whole Foods Market! We don’t need to buy salads or herbs because those come from our garden year-round practically –> often into January in Western Pennsylvania! ♡ Store fresh garden herbs in the fridge in jars filled with a bit of water topped with a plastic “lid” to keep them fresh. Scroll thru to see How-to ♡
    • •
    》Pair immune boosting salad greens with MANY different colorful vegs (30 different is best microbiome-wise as published on the May, 2018 American Gut update –> see that at, and eat that along with healthy fats like unadulterated extra virgin olive oil, eggs, and avocados. The healthy fats allow for absorption of fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E, K, and carotenoids. Studies find low-fat and no fat absorbs nearly no micronutrients and carotenoids. All links are on my Best Salad Dressings website post. ♡
    》Find great homemade salad dressings on my Pinterest, and bring those with you when eating out because you’re NOT going to find the quality healthy fats commercially or in restaurants.
    #microbiome #gut #guthealth#americangut #nutrients #nutrientrich#immunesystem #healthychoices#healthyeating #healthy #local #gardens#bhggardens #paleo #realfood#wholefood #mediterranean #oliveoil#evoo #scd #organicfood #organic#functionalmedicine #food#foodismedicine #foodasmedicine#biomeonboardawareness

    Best in Health through Awareness,

    1. [McDonald et al 2018American Gut: an Open Platform for Citizen Science Microbiome Research
    2. Optimal Microbiome Diet from American Gut
    3. — US San Diego Health, Big Data from World’s Largest Citizen Science Microbiome Project Serves Food for Thought
    4. May, 2018 American Gut update –> see that at
    5. My Best Salad Dressings website post. ♡
    6. My Pinterest.

    ♥Last updated: January 14, 2019 at 9:19 am trying to insert excerpt. 

    PriorJuly 30, 2018 update was to SUMMARY to note that my Instagram @patty.carter  is posting my gut flora supporting microbiome recipes as a workaround to Pinterest truncating the recipe for images that are posted! You can see the entire recipe (ingredients and instructions) on my Instagram!  For those images on Pinterest, if you want the entire recipe… continue to contact me direct! 

    The prior June 26, 2018 update was to clarify that “I will still be posting on this website recipes and  posts (that contains direct links), but my Microbiome Instagram posts additional practical insights for integrating microbiome support into your lifestyle effortlessly and seamlessly.”

    Now I'd like to hear your thoughts... comments are always welcome!