Category Archives: Whole Food

Jaminet & Bailor on “Perfect Health Diet”

There’s a fellow health researcher that I respect;  his name is Paul Jaminet, creator and blogger over at “The Perfect Health Diet” site.  Jaminet has no hidden agenda.   He had a health problem, and used his science background to research.  What he found is nearly in line with everything that I speak of, which is SCD/GAPS/PALEO/ MEDITERANEAN… and so many other wonderful healing diets:

When you’re doing things the right way, usually you see results very quickly, so it’s well worth taking a little bit of time to read and think about these things and to do a personal experiment and see how they affect you.

When you’re doing it correctly, you should see results and you should feel good.”

To me, Paul is the epitome of: Here’s what the science and here’s what the research shows, and I hope it will help you.”   Paul has absolutely, no hidden agenda.

I’d be remiss to not mention Paul’s wife, Shou-Ching Shih, a coauthor of the book “Perfect Health Diet.”  This couple is beyond brains:  Paul was an astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, became a software entrepreneur during the Internet boom, and now provides strategic advice to entrepreneurial companies while pursuing research in economics.  Shou-Ching is a molecular biologist and cancer researcher at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School, and Director of BIDMC’s Multi-Gene Transcriptional Profiling Core. Nuff said.

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SUMMARY:   We now understand that disease management requires understanding of:  what is the microbiome, what disrupts it, and what positively affects it.  This post discusses: What is the microbiome, implications of reduced diversity, long term therapeutic diet impact on microbiome, the IBD annual meeting is starting to consider the microbiome, some anecdotal microbiome stories, and why you want microbiome balance & diversity.
FIRST A RECAP (if you already are versed on this information, skip right on down to the Microbiome, What Disrupts It and How to Optimize sections of this post):  
What is the Microbiome?

It is estimated that the human microbiota contains as many as 1014 bacterial cells, a number that is 10 times greater than the number of human cells present in our bodies.  It is more accurate to say we are hosts of our microbiome rather then that we are human.  The human body is permanently colonized by microbial organisms on virtually every surface that is exposed to the external environment and each such surface has a different microbiome:  skin, mouth, genitalia, genitourinary, respiratory tracts, and the largest colonize, the gut (aka gastrointestinal).  The trillions of organisms live on and in us are collectively called the microbiome: a balanced ecosystem. “Gut Microbiota in Health and Disease,”

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Food Managing IBD & AUTISM: The Studies

SUMMARY:  Anytime food choices turns around chronic disease with studies that prove such, that should be an eye opener!  Implementing principles of such diets should be considered for anyone wanting to prevent or manage chronic disease.  This post presents studies for Food Managing IBD & AUTISM, where dietary protocols achieved remission and management (with reduction, if not elimination of medication) for autoimmune IBD , or positively altered the course of autism.

HOW?  Diet can optimize (or modulate) the gut microbiome which is the source of 80 – 85 percent of our immunity:  

The “1st International Symposium on the Microbiome in Health and Disease with a Special Focus on Autism,” July 2014: “the microbiome refers to the constellation of enteric bacteria that create an organ system that makes up 80% of our immune system...

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Microbiome DIET Mechanisms Prevent or Manage Disease (Focus: SCD & IBD)

Summary: Watch the short video to learn why most of your immunity resides in your gut. Then read about predictive autoimmunity in preventative medicine; the role of gut permeability, and disease, as well as how autoimmunity may contribute to cardiovascular disease risk, and the role of antibodies in unexplained miscarriages. The pearl is have a healthy gut which is your first-line immune defense. To that end, learn what the microbiome diet mechanisms are that prevent or manage disease with a focus on SCD and IBD.

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Recipe: CLA Grassfed SCD Yogurt Benefits, CYTOKINE STUDIES

SUMMARYSCD yogurt is lactose-free due to its processing.  It can be grassfed if you choose to make it using grassfed milk.  You can also use a milk from A2 casein cows to make the casein less inflammatory.  Some use a milk alternative such as goat, coconut, or almond milk.  Last, there is growing concerns about the MAP suriviving dairy processing.  [Grant et al 2017] is study that published Dec, 2017 that raises growing concerns about MAP and  the safety of dairy products.  To ensure 100% kill of MAP, heat the milk to 194F (90C) for 60 seconds according to the author of the study.  The classic SCD yogurt recipe required heating to 180F with a two minute hold.  I’ve revised the recipe to require heating to 194F for two minutes to ensure MAP and other bacteria are killed.  Below the recipe find details for:  MAP implications for SCD yogurt processing temperature, What is the probiotic load of SCD yogurt, what probiotics can be in the starter and Lets talk about milk options, can I reuse my SCD yogurt as starter for another batch, and RECENT STUDIES FINDING PROBIOTIC YOGURT BENEFITS AND IT’S ANTI-INFLAMMATORY IMMUNE MODULATING PROPERTIES!  It is no wonder that SCD yogurt is the foundation of the healing diets: SCD/GAPS and some PALEO camps, if tolerated.

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SUMMARY:  Starting on September 1, 2007, it became illegal for 100% raw almonds to be manufactured and sold in the United States, with two exceptions (discussed below).  Eating SCD/GAPS/PALEO (some camps) can mean eating nuts if tolerated, properly processed, and traditionally prepared thereby making them more easily digested.  Understanding what this legislation means for your sourcing almonds is simple.  Learn in this post where to source raw almonds, and alternatives to raw (that would be pasteurized  almonds ⇒  You want to source steam pasteurized, NOT PPO)!

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For more awesome microbiome resources and podcasts such as this, drop down the menu THE SCIENCE BEHIND FOOD AND DISEASE  located over on the top right sidebar and link to Blog: Resources – Podcasts, Books….  You can also head on over to the Page “USEFUL MICROBIOME LINKS.”

Awesome microbiome resources: Dr Peter Attia, MD:

“I dream of the day when our patients can shed their excess pounds and cure themselves of insulin resistance because as medical professionals we’ve shed our excess medical baggage and cured ourselves of new idea resistance sufficiently to go back to our original ideals: open minds, the courage to throw out yesterday’s ideas when they don’t appear to be working, and the understanding that scientific truth isn’t final but constantly evolving.”

Peter Attia: What if we’re wrong about diabetes? TedTalk

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SUMMARY: Learn what whole food looks like. Such are anti-inflammatory and nutrient dense; the key to reducing, managing and even reversing chronic disease.

Seems in today’s lifestyle, what whole food looks like is confusing.  Is it the steaming hot prepared buffet luring you with it’s smells and convenience such even appearing at Whole Foods grocery stores?

A check of ingredients will show if it is pure, clean, delicious, and properly prepared real nourishing whole food.  Such is anti-inflammatory and nutrient dense. I am excited that you are learning this concept!

Adhering to an anti-inflammatory diet is the answer to reducing, managing, and even reversing chronic disease. 

Through diet we  increase anti-inflammatory Omega-3 fatty acids, decrease inflammatory (Omega-6 fatty acids, and food intolerances), and increase fruits and vegetables to increase antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. High quality meat, grains, and diary have a place in a nutrient dense diet but learning food quality and individual tolerance is critical for optimizing health.  

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Summary:  This post give A FEW INDEX CARD RECIPES FOR WHOLE FOODS. Snip and save!  I get it.  You don’t know how to cook or bake, but you know you have to figure this out.  Or maybe you are a genius in the kitchen, but…  Whoever heard of coconut flour, rancid industrial seed oils, grass-fed or pastured animals and animal by-products, or of soaking, sprouting, and dehydrating grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes for proper preparation to neutralize the inflammatory compounds inherent within these foods that is so disease promoting?  And… that listing is just a few incidentals of Whole Food preparation!  Don’t despair.  Most “Whole Food” foodies did not know how to cook using such ingredients and techniques at the beginning either as ALL of us were unfamiliar with such!  To help get you started, here are some index cards, but there’s more posted on the website (see below for how to locate those), and on my  Pinterest!

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