SUMMARY: Sharing SIX of my ridic delic family and friend approved SCD PALEO Salad Dressings along with my homemade fermented Dijon mustard recipe (because some recipes have this as an ingredient)! I want followers here to have these recipes since they just posted on my Instagram, patty.carter, and this is a work around to Pinterest truncating image descriptions (which meant that you couldn’t see all the description, and thus ingredients, for some of these recipes)! Of course, continue contacting me direct for those Pinterest recipes, all of which focus on the healing diet tenets from SCD, PALEO, Mediterranean Diet, and others! ♡ These dressings are what got my kiddos eating massive amounts of colorful microbiome boosting salads! They are that redic delic!!! We even take these salad dressings to the beach! 👙 I double these recipes making them in bulk to always have them on hand and to make light the work prep! Also learn in this post that there’s good reason these dressings are always in healing fridges 👉
Category Archives: WholeFood-SCD Yogurt,FermentedVegs
Preserve & Restore Loss of Microbiome Diversity is Aggressive Preventative Medicine
SUMMARY: Aggressive Preventative Medicine means preserving the microbiome you have and restoring any loss incurred. See how far that thought goes with your doctor! Diet really does work to alter the microbiome and can help to restore loss of microbiome; for example, fermented kimchi actually positively impacted metabolic syndrome factors including systolic and diastolic blood pressures, percent body fat, fasting glucose, and total cholesterol.
⇒⇒ This post teaches how to reduce the loss of microbiome diversity and restore such – crowding out concept.
Avg numbers and kinds of microorganisms consumed in a day
SUMMARY: Surprisingly, only a narrow range of microbes has been researched to date, mainly microbes involving disease or probiotic types. Little is known regarding what microbes actually exist in our food, their quantities, or even how much they vary for the differing diets (or even meal to meal for that matter!) This study estimated the total numbers and kinds of microorganisms consumed in a day by an average American adult for three differing diets: Average American Diet, USDA, and Vegan.