SUMMARY: Finally! A peek into our trillions of innards on a 3 day fruit and vegetable blitz! Spoiler alert: There is NOT much impact 10 days after stopping that 3 day cleanse, microbiome resulting from healing diet tenets persist!
And that, I think, is the lesson to be learned for the healing diets such as SCD, GAPS, PALEO, AIP, WAHLs, to name a few. Realize, the tenets of these healing diets are for everyone if you want to prevent chronic disease, not just those with chronic disease. These protocols increase vegetables and fruits beyond what the normal Standard American Diet (SAD) yokel is consuming and adds in healthy fats so fat soluble vitamins are actually absorbed. This is done concomitant with ditching processed foods, including processed sugars, and other inflammatory foods. How powerful are these tenets? They are healing and inducing remission in messed up impoverished gut microbiomes, and some of those folks are only 80% compliant with the diet! Nuff said. Shouldn’t you know what these tenets are?