Last Updated on March 8, 2018 by Patricia Carter
SUMMARY: Check out this healing, anti-inflammatory, nutrient dense fridge, and learn what is in a practical whole foods PALEO, SCD, GAPS Mediterranean diet type fridge, that also happens to be sustainable and family and friends friendly! Also learn practical tips for transitioning (with recipe links) & quality food sourcing links. Each of our microbiomes differ by over 99% and that means, there is no one right diet for all due to each of our unique physiologic and genetic (human and microbial) variability. This includes the trendy diets, like Ketogenic, PALEO, Atkins, Zone, as well as the popular, government-sponsored diets such as DASH (revised 2015) and TLC (2005, still needs updated). The Mediterranean Diet continues to have evidence based benefit. In fact, a diet called MIND, which combines Mediterranean, DASH, and aging brain literature, showed for strict follow, that brains functioned as if 7 years younger AND there was a 53% reduction of Alzheimer’s risk. Moderate follow reduced Alzheimer’s risk by 35%! MIND is currently recruiting 600 with a family history of dementia or Alzheimer’s, and a BMI 25 or over, for clinical trial at Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health and RUSH University Medical Center! The top diets in each category share similar attributes including balance, higher vegetable and some fruit (especially low sugar like berries, avocados), wild caught fish, fermented food (see the 2017 D. D. Rosa et al for the benefits of kefir which are also listed below), awareness of EWG toxin recommendations, along with self awareness, finding a like minded tribe of experienced healing diet eaters able to support your learning thereby establishing Blue Zones within families, to friends, to communities (Dr. David Katz, Episode 11 of Awakening From Alzheimer’s, and monitoring of what you eat through journaling. An emphasis on frequent, structured exercise and physical activity are also common themes. With awareness of the many tenets of healing type diets and lifestyle impact on the microbiome, small diet and lifestyle changes result in big health improvement without the perceived rigidity of following a traditional diet plan, and these changes motivate you to your NEXT. Eating microbiome gut supporting foods works. Just check out my Testimonial page!
A whole foods eating plan isn’t a diet per se, but a lifetime lifestyle change.
One of the most difficult parts of switching up your eating is ⇒

No worries though as this happens naturally as you learn whole food preparation and the organization involved.
It is important to understand that nutrient needs change throughout life, even perhaps daily due to exercise loads or the onset of stress or illness. Add to that, what each person eats within a family may similarly change due to differing human and gut microbe DNA and disease status. Pregnancy and/or medical conditions also change up the nutrient needs.
Quitting things cold turkey can be hard; I do not recommend such.
Try eliminating the bad by crowding it out with better alternatives. Use the lessons learned in this healing refrigerator for what you can change up in yours. You can not stop everything you’re doing if you are not prepared to replace it with healthier alternatives. And most important, you can not make the transition over night. Be kind to yourself learning what is anti-inflammatory, nutrient dense food and how to practically prepare such.
Top 2, and bottom 3, shelves of this healing nutrient dense refrigerator:

° Pastured eggs. Totally missing from this refrigerator since it was photographed on the weekend, is the bulk scrambled eggs and Peach Pie Breakfast Bake (recipe on Pinterest Breakfast board.) These were totally eaten for weekday breakfasts by this family; that’s efficient bulk cooking!

Ideally, use a local, organic (no antibiotics, pesticides, herbicides…), soy-free farmer. To locate such, see sourcing information at the bottom of this post. I use Your Family Farmer out of Chambersburg, PA for my pastured eggs and meat; these slides show their practices:

° Grassfed pastured butter. Use a local, organic cow pastured source. If not available, try Kerrygold Pure Irish Butter actually available through many grocers now as well as Costco (seems the best pricing); if residing in PA or bordering, try Trickling Springs Creamery (available through Your Family Farmer). The only ingredients should be: pasteurized cream and salt (optional but if it’s in it, preferably sea salt).
° Soups containing bone broth: Any and all types, usually two if not three concurrently in your fridge. WAPF and GAPS diet recommends a small cup at every meal since it contains easy to assimilate minerals, vitamins, and amino-acids. Bone broth contains proteinaceous gelatin that is soothing and healing to the intestinal mucosa. Bone broth has been known for centuries to aid digestion since the gelatin it contains is hydrophilic — meaning it attracts liquids including digestive juices. Rotate through favorites. Today, in this fridge, there is bone broth, squash-carrot, and a tortilla soup: for recipes see Pinterest Soup: PALEO/PRIMAL/SCD/GAPS Incredibles board. and Pinterest Bone Broth board. Even pure bone broth is versatile as it can be a drunk directly from a mug if desired, or frozen vegetables and spices can be tossed in on the fly.
One of the best bone broth How-To tutorials I’ve read is over at Nourishing Chicken Bone Broth In A Slow Cooker, though I would note several comments to her process:
- Repeat the entire process a second time as you can reuse bones.
- Regarding the quantity of bones to use, If you aren’t yet into roasting a whole chicken (I wasn’t for about two years) just use lots of chicken part bones. Otherwise, you can use one chicken carcass and optionally add in breast, back, leg, or thigh bones from other meals that accumulate in the freezer. I’ve read that the chicken feet are best for joint support, but sorry, I am not a chicken feet person. They had me at the clipping part… are they joking?!? If one does not have additional bones, still make the bone broth with whatever quantity of bones you have as it’ll become a vegetable type of broth with calcium and some bone broth benefits even though it may not gel.
- Instead of whole vegetables added to the filtered water and bones, I add in peelings and herb stems that have accumulated in my freezer over the course of the week and then additional whole vegetables if needed (usually not necessary). If you make two large crock-pots of bone broth, you’ll yield about 12 cups of broth. For guidance on the amount of vegetables to add: add about 6 cups of mixed vegetables (carrots, celery and onions) to each crock-pot which will produce about 41 mg of calcium per cup of bone broth. Details for the math is at the bottom of this post. Additional calcium then is realized when making the soup from the bone broth due to the added vegetables: 1 cup of mixed vegetables added to prepared bone broth will further increase the calcium by another 41 mg for a net calcium of ~80 mg per cup of soup.) The only thing I never add when making bone broth is lemon, lime, and orange peels as they are coated with a fungicide, (even the organic) that I don’t want to chance anyone eating.
- I combine both batches of bone broth in a large stainless steel pot and refrigerate overnight; if the bones are not pasture based, the fat can then be easily skimmed off. I do NOT use a plastic fat separator as the heat of the bone broth could leach undesirable container chemicals into the broth.
- Drink bone broth for it’s bio-available bone co-factors and immunity support, NOT for calcium (contrary to what was thought. Comment 3 above explains how to increase calcium in bone broth. And Dr. Colin E. Champ, M.D., a board-certified radiation oncologist and assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute and University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, passionately researches cancer treatment as well as the role and effect diet and nutrition may have in cancer care, has this to say about calcium, THE INS AND OUTS OF CALCIUM AND BONE HEALTH. Much more information on bone broth and calcium is included at the end of this post. A summary of Champ’s information is:
- Calcium levels and bone health are multifactorial and calcium intake is just the tip of the iceberg.
- Don’t count on dairy for calcium and instead get it naturally in highly absorbable forms in the foods nature laid out for you.
- Avoid foods that result in decreased absorption and increased excretion of calcium like milk.
- Get some sun (not sun burns) or if that is not possible, take some vitamin D3.
- Lift heavy weights and sprint as the heavy loads stimulate bone mineralization and decrease bone breakdown.
- Avoid chronic stress and the increase in glucocorticoids that results.
- Increase your highly absorbable sources like green leafy vegetables, and decrease poorly absorbable sources like milk, and avoid its downside with its large amounts of lactose (sugar).
- Avoid large amounts of carbohydrates that cause significant insulin release and calcium loss in the urine.
Source: THE INS AND OUTS OF CALCIUM AND BONE HEALTH, in mind that Americans eat the largest amount of calcium rich foods like dairy, yet have some of the highest rates of osteoporosis.
° Ferments. Why??? There are many more viable probiotics in fermented foods than any probiotic you can buy. and no cocktail multi strain probiotic someone invents can ever reproduce and replicate the microbiome diversity in living ferments. How can ferments affect health: Fermented kimchi actually positively impacted metabolic syndrome factors including systolic and diastolic blood pressures, percent body fat, fasting glucose, and total cholesterol! –Fermented kimchi reduces body weight and improves metabolic parameters in overweight and obese patients. This 2017 D. D. Rosa et al review for kefir is eye opening listing benefits:
- helps lower cholesterol,
- helps lower blood pressure,
- helps control blood sugar,
- is anti-inflammatory (helps with allergies or gut dysbiosis),
- decreased plasma LPS (improves gut lining integrity and function),
- is anti-microbial capable of modulating and reshaping the microbiome,
- suppresses pathogens,
- increases short chain fatty acid butyrate (a good thing because many diseases have reduced butyrate),
- controls IBS, and
- decreases colon cancer risk.
Live ferments you’ll find in the refrigerated section of your grocer and include Bubbies and Sunja’s Kimchi (both SCD/GAPS legal), and Wildbrine sauerkraut and pickles (note: this product has no SCD/GAPS “legal letter” so be cautious if you are SCD/GAPS, but they work for many.) Try a variety and rotate through them, spearing a forkful a few times a day. You can also make your own; see recipes on Pinterest Ferments: Veg, SCD Yogurt. Other ferment options I have not pictured include miso, kombucha, kefir, beer, wine, mead (not necessarily SCD/GAPS legal.) NOTE: If you have histamine or tyramine intolerance, be cautious with fermented foods. Build up slowly and try a variety to see what works.
Tip: You can eat ferments about 15 to 20 minutes prior to the start of meals for those wanting to naturally boost digestion, and chew, chew, chew to get those juices flowing and to ensure immunity boost.
“People are coming back to fermentation because they’re sick of being sick and they’re finding after some sauerkraut and kombucha that they feel good…We’ve been raised in the midst of the war on bacteria,” Katz said. “There’s nothing sexier than when a marketer promises on the back of a container of soap that it kills 99.9 percent of bacteria. … But guess what protects us from the .01 percent of the bacteria that can make us sick? It’s the 99.9 percent of bacteria that we can coexist with perfectly well.” – Fermenting your way to health

I don’t get why folks don’t try ferments. CAFO chicken feed is supplemented with probiotics, (see pubMed study here)… shouldn’t you? Many studies show incredible human microbiome benefit. A personal favorite is, Role of endogenous microbiota, probiotics and their biological products in human health, which has a TON of probiotic human health technical ramifications including mucin layer expression, TJs, immunity… Many of the probiotics discussed are in fermented vegetables; recall yogurt, even SCD yogurt, has a limited number of strains, perhaps only three.
° Soaked and dehydrated nuts and seeds. The post, IT’S EASY TO SOAK & DEHYDRATE NUTS contains the “How-To” recipe as does the Pinterest, WAPF Soaked Nut/Grain Recipes board, or you can purchase soaked/sprouted such as Go Raw Simple Seed Mix. For a simple infomatic on the “Why” for soak/dehydrate:

° Grain-free flours, but don’t eat them in the quantity that grains are ingested in the Standard American Diet. Why? Coconut flour is extremely high in fiber and is considered an advanced food for SCD. Almond flour contains a lot of Omega-6 fatty acids, and while essential to health, too many omega 6 fats in the diet contributes to inflammation. Generally, it is best to begin with the nut milks, then progress to nut butters, then consider the nut flours.
Almond Flour. I always use this Honeyville Blanched Almond Flour which is blanched to remove the brown skin and pasteurized using a hot water bath. Read the post, HOW TO BUY 100% RAW ALMONDS if you don’t know the ins and outs of almond pasteurization (it’s required by law and most use an application of a propylene oxide (jet fuel) that “evaporates” for pasteurization. A residue of propylene oxide is worrisome as it is classified by EPA as a probable human carcinogen. with a mile long list of “Hazard Summary” result. )
Nutiva COCONUT FLOUR (organic)
° Let’s Do Organic Unsweetened Coconut, shredded or flaked.
° SCD Yogurt. This fridge happens to have both whole cows milk as well as goat-milk due to casein, lactose, and autoimmune considerations. The post, CLA GRASSFED SCD YOGURT & CYTOKINE STUDIES: ERIVAN & WHOLE FOODS 365 contains both the recipe and details.

° Soaked buckwheat pancakes (an easy properly prepared gluten-free breakfast if you tolerate grains; make in bulk and freeze them. Recipe is on Pinterest, WAPF Soaked Nut/Grain Recipes board.)

° Plantain muffins (gluten-free, nut-free, and coconut-free.) In this house, most of the desserts stay in the freezer, and they eat those from there.

° Salad dressings — Ditch commercial salad dressings (store bought and restaurant) as they contain inflammatory rancid industrialized Omega-6 oils even if organic or ‘expeller pressed‘ (e.g., canola, corn, soy, vegetable, cottonseed, etc) AND they all have transfats, contrary to what we are led to believe. These dressings also always contain gut damaging emulsifiers. You don’t want 200 calories of suspect polyunsaturated fats served with your healthiest meal of the day. Replace with homemade using avocado, EVOO — use this UC Davis list to keep it unadulterated, and balsamic based ingredients. Many feel that the healthy fats in the Mediterranean Diet (this traditional diet has 7 to 11 tsp per day of EVOO) is the cornerstone of what makes this diet so heart and brain healthy. You need fats for absorption of fat soluble nutrients including carotenoids and those support heart health (inflammatory cytokines are reduced) and boost brain processing speed. See the below CME slides for details. As well, see the posts accompanying these redic delic recipes: Simply Amazing Avocado Dressing, or try Family Favorite EVOO, Red Wine Vinegar and Honey, or this Avocado Dressing! Many others are on my Pinterest Salad Dressing board.
° Coconut Secret Organic Raw Coconut Aminos Soy-Free Seasoning Sauce – use in place of soy sauce but note, it is not SCD/GAPS legal:

The lower 3 shelves of this healing refrigerator
Beyond the obvious proteins (meat, fish, hard boiled eggs, and properly prepared beans and nuts), greens, gluten-free and grain-free flours such as coconut and buckwheat (if tolerated), raw fruits, vegetables, herbs, and roots (the ginger and turmeric roots are sliced thinly and used in tea — add in black pepper with turmeric to increase bio-availability), the lower part of this healing refrigerator contains:

° PEDERSON’S PALEO BACON. NO SUGAR BACON is SCD/GAPS legal. Easy baking instructions: Bake on a rack, 300F till done for about 1-1/2 hours. Do this in bulk and freeze. No gluten. No lactose. No MSG. Pork raised without the use of antibiotics or growth stimulants and fed no animal by-products. Minimally processed,. No artificial ingredients. No preservatives. Ingredients: Pork, Water, Less Than 2%: Salt, Vinegar, Celery Powder.

° Lactose-free (SCD legal) cheeses, this post is loaded with SCD cheese info:
Now for the PRACTICAL Whole Foods PALEO tips.
- A whole foods eating plan isn’t a diet per se, but a lifetime lifestyle change. A lot of programs such as a 21 day sugar elimination (some call it detox) are specifically designed for that length of time so that:
- Habits are created, and the lessons learned stick, and
- Food intolerance can best be realized upon reintroduction since the inflammation has “calmed down” due to the removal of inflammatory foods. I tell clients, just as it takes time for the ripples in the pond to stop following the stone toss, so too with inflammation in the body. Some say 2 weeks, others a month for such to occur. Most feel reaction to food reintroduction after 21 day eliminations. So interesting to finally see the latest pubmed studies finally acknowledge elimination/challenge as the gold standard for gluten intolerance: “the more recently defined non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) presents with symptoms which are often indistinguishable from Celiac Disease. Symptoms must be verified by a gluten-free diet and subsequent gluten challenge [after celiac is ruled out].” -2015, Overview of biomarkers for diagnosis and monitoring of celiac disease.
- Eat lots of diverse vegetables (5 to 30 differing varieties) and some meat is an easy way of thinking about Dr. Rob Knight”s eleven point punch list of things that seem to be beneficial to the microbiome, see the post, OPTIMAL MICROBIOME DIET FROM AMERICAN GUT DATA. Another way of saying this is the way Dr. Mark Hyman, MD puts this in his post, Why I am a Pegan – or Paleo-Vegan – and Why You Should Be Too! A practical tip for achieving this is to use salad bar vegetables for salad toppers (organic for those needing such per EWG guidelines) and to consume soups such as carrot and/or squash soup or others having concentrated vegetables due to puree. Quality spices too can be used and they add into the vegetable diversity. Some are motivated by counting the diversity of vegetables eaten each day until it becomes habit.
- Learning what is in the foods you eat that feed your microbiome, your body, and your brain is one of the most difficult parts of switching up your eating; no worries as this happens naturally as you learn food preparation and organization involved. No more breezing down the grocery store aisles on automatic pilot; this will come but not for a while at least. And no more zapping frozen meals in the microwave for two minutes and calling it dinner. Believe it or not, cooking in bulk a variety of staple meals becomes auto pilot; we meet in the kitchen to show you how.
- This post is all about maximizing micronutrient density without breaking the bank, and having to slave long hours in the kitchen. It’s important; more than half of Americans are deficient in zinc, calcium, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin B6; and about one-third are also deficient in riboflavin (B2), thiamine (B1), folate (B9) vitamin C, and iron according to the study, Are vitamin and mineral deficiencies a major cancer risk? Access here for Figures and Tables.
- What to eat? Nutrient-Dense Food Groups Have High Energy Costs: An Econometric Approach to Nutrient Profiling explains that meat, fruit, and vegetables have the highest nutritional quality. Sweets and salted snacks have the lowest nutritional quality, and they also are a least expensive source of dietary energy. Starches and grains were unique because they were low in disqualifying nutrients yet provided low-cost dietary energy. Grains need to pass individual tolerance tests, and they need to be properly prepared so as to stop chleating out micronutrients.
- Bake great tasting recipes that family and friends like. Use the Pinterest Biome Onboard Awareness, boards. Those are tested and meet this requirement, at least with my fussier family/friend grain and sugar addicts. If you don’t have all the ingredients, wing it with what you do have. Once you become familiar with the ingredients and how to cook aspects, if you are so inclined, venture forth and try new recipe ideas. There’s plenty of great bloggers (search PALEO or SCD first.)
- Bake in bulk; freeze portions for backup and travel. You’ll get to the point of quickly preparing multiple staple meals at one time. These will be at your convenience based on your refrigerator and freezer backup. When I do such, it is a few hours long, and there’s easily four or five different items cooking in bulk. This gives you an idea of what can be bulk cooked:
Source: Source: - NEVER EVER throw anything away. Toss whatever you need to use up, into whatever soup you have in the fridge; I call this “Refrigerator Soup” and the creations are delicious. Taco meat or the Breakfast Sausage, along with frozen vegetables tossed in bone broth is an incredible surprise. As a last resort, freeze what isn’t being used for later use.Source:Source:
- Ditch plastic storage and use glass, stainless, or ceramic (name brand only please due to dyes.)
- Buy to EWG dirty dozen plus considerations (Calton’s version is also given) to be low toxin pesticide, herbicide and gmo. Consider though, if you are using peelings for bone broth, buy those organic as well:
Source: EWG 2017 Clean_DIrty List, Calton’s_Produce Recomm to avoid pesticides and herbicides EWG Clean Dirty 2014 - You eat LESS eating whole foods. Most are shocked to learn that! It takes some time to acclimate and realize as automatic habits of portion control change. As one introduces satiating micronutrient dense foods, the body needs some time to acclimate and realize nutrient needs are met.
Sourcing links are:
Sourcing antibiotic free meats and poultry is difficult; CAFO antibiotic use continues to increase (see The FDA Just Released Scary New Data on Antibiotics And Farms and this Reuter’s article, U.S. meat industry bought more human antibiotics to 2013: FDA.)
Use these links to source organic, locally grown, pasture raised foods:
- If in Pennsylvania or near it’s border, you can try Your Family Farmer out of Chambersburg, PA. They began four years ago with one drop point delivery to five families and today… they have forty-eight drop locations that deliver either weekly or biweekly, and if I remember this correctly, Edwin told me they actually supply to nine surrounding states in total.
- Local Harvest — Locate farmers’ markets, family farms, and other sources of sustainably grown food in your area where you can buy produce, grass-fed meats…
- Farmers’ Markets — A national listing of farmers’ markets.
- Eat Wild — pastured animals.
- Cornucopia Scorecards — eggs, soy, cereal, carrageenan…
- Eat Well — Free online directory of sustainably raised meat, poultry, dairy, and eggs from farms, stores, restaurants, inns/hotels, and online outlets in the United States and Canada.
- Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture (CISA) — CISA is dedicated to sustaining agriculture and promoting the products of small farms.
- FoodRoutes — The “Find Good Food” map can help you connect w/local farmers to find the freshest, tastiest food possible. On their interactive map, you can find a listing for local farmers, CSA’s, and markets near you.
- Shop at Whole Foods Market.
Continued from above: Drink bone broth for it’s bio-available bone co-factors and immunity support, NOT for calcium (contrary to what was thought.)
Worldwide prevalence of hip fracture
The analysis of data from different studies show a wide geographic variation across the world, with higher hip fracture incidence reported from industrialized countries as compared to developing countries. The highest hip fracture rates are seen in North Europe and the US and lowest in Latin America and Africa. Asian countries such as Kuwait, Iran, China, and Hong Kong show intermediate hip fracture rates. There is also a north–south gradient seen in European studies, and more fractures are seen in the north of the US than in the south. The factors responsible of this variation are population demographics (with more elderly living in countries with higher incidence rates) and the influence of ethnicity, latitude, and environmental factors…. it is estimated that the incidence of hip fracture will rise from 1.66 million in 1990 to 6.26 million by 2050.2 [Realize food ingested is an environmental factor] –Epidemiology of hip fracture: Worldwide geographic variation

Traditional Bone Broth in Modern Health and Disease, by Dr. Allison Seibecker (SIBO expert), goes into the benefits of bone broth which I consider as medicine and food… bone marrow, cartilage, collagen, gelatin, glycine (amino acid), proline, glycosaminoglycans, hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate, minerals (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, sulfur…).
The Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPS) community has tested and confirmed it is the vegetables added in making bone broth that is the source of calcium in the broth; so add lots of vegetables! WAPF Recent study: “Little calcium in bone only broth though there is more if vegetables are added. It is the other goodness of broth that builds good bone. Think cofactors here: Collagen, glycine, proline, and other amino acids needed to manufacture collagen. “Collagen production slows down with age and ill health, causing skin, joints and bones to become drier, less pliant, thinner and weaker. Think sagging skin, creaky joints and the brittle bones of osteoporosis.” Broth prepared by Kim Schuette of Biodynamic Wellness of Solana Beach, California, showed low levels of calcium at 2.31 mg per cup (from a whole chicken plus two feet but not vegetables), while broth from Lance Roll of Flavor Chef showed 6.14 mg per cup (from broth made with bones and vegetables). This article was written for the WAPF Nourishing Broth 2014 book.” –Research Reveals Little Calcium in Bone Broth
Another bone building support is food-based collagen hydrolysate and gelatin products such as Great Lakes Gelatin (Kosher, Unflavored) & Collagen Hydrolysate which can can be useful adjuncts to a whole foods diet although daily bone broth is better–and tastier. –Research Reveals Little Calcium in Bone Broth.

What calcium rich vegetables should be added in making broth? “Most of us make bone broth with the traditional mix of carrots, onions, and celery known as “mirepoix.” It improves the flavor and the nutritional content… bone broths tested with these vegetables showed slightly higher calcium content. USDA figures suggest calcium content per cup of these vegetables raw at 48 mg for celery, 43 mg for carrots and 32 mg for onion. That, of course, suggests how much the calcium would increase for the entire batch, of course, not per the cup of the broth you would drink. I would not recommend making broth with broccoli, kale or spinach as the flavor gets rather nasty. However, we can use broth as the basis for various soup recipes that might include these vegetables.” -Dr. Kaayla Daniel comment, Research Reveals Little Calcium in Bone Broth
How much vegetables to add: Decide how many cups you’ll get and add celery, carrots, and onion proportionately. Based on above, calcium per 1 cup of raw vegetables are: 48 mg for celery, 43 mg for carrots, and 32 mg for onion. So, if you estimate you’ll yield about 12 cups of broth, consider adding 12 cups of total vegetables for about 40 mg of calcium per cup of bone broth. This is based on the average (48=43=32 divided by 3). Soup made from the broth then adds additional calcium. For example, 1 more cup of mixed carrots, celery, and onions added to 1 cup of bone broth would add an additional 41 mg of calcium, for about a net 80 mg calcium per cup of soup.)
All this begs the question really of, “How much calcium do we really need anyway?” ALL ABOUT CALCIUM at PaleoLeap does the math. In simpleton, Calcium 101: The average adult needs only 300-400mg of calcium to be ABSORBED every day. The RDA is 1,000mg (for men) to 1,200mg (for women), but that number is based on how much calcium you absorb mainly from milk and dairy (which is only 32%). Most vegetables are better absorbed than milk and dairy so you’ll actually need to eat less of such to meet your needs.
Lessons learned: The best way to increase the calcium content of bone broth is to include bio-available calcium-rich vegetables both in making the broth and in your whole foods diet. Adding milk or cream to the broth (if you tolerate such) to make cream soups or chowders would most appreciably increase the calcium content. Realize that co-factors, sun, and exercise are needed for adequate calcium absorption.
Hoping you find inspiration as you transition your fridge to becoming more healing and nutrient dense.

In health through awareness,
Last updated: March 8, 2018 at 7:12 am To include in the salad dressing section, six CME slides along with links to emulsifiers, the UC Davis list to keep EVOO unadulterated, and a few post recipes including Simply Amazing Avocado Dressing, Family Favorite EVOO, Red Wine Vinegar and Honey, and Avocado Dressing. Also, the recipe image for SCD yogurt was updated to require higher milk heating temps to ensure kill of the MAP bacteria. Prior update Nov 3, 2017 added info in summary including the 2017 MIND Diet Power Point, and the 2017 D. D. Rosa et al kefir review. Prior update June 11, 2017 changed header image for better Home Page readability.
Each of our microbiomes differ by over 99%. There is no one right diet for all due to each of our unique physiologic and genetic variability. This includes the trendy diets, like Atkins, Zone,and PALEO as well as the popular, government-sponsored diets such as DASH and TLC. The Mediterranean Diet continues to have evidence based benefit.
It is important to understand that nutrient needs change throughout life, even perhaps daily due to exercise loads or the onset of stress or illness, Pregnancy and/or medical conditions also change up the nutrient needs..
The top diets in each category share similar attributes including balance, higher fruit and vegetable consumption, wild caught fish, awareness of EWG toxin recommendations, along with self awareness and monitoring of what you eat through journaling.
An emphasis on frequent, structured exercise and physical activity are also common themes.
With awareness of the many tenets of healing type diets and lifestyle impact on the microbiome, small diet and lifestyle changes result in big health improvement without the perceived rigidity of following a traditional diet plan, and these changes motivate you to your NEXT..