SUMMARY:  Eat eggs. Help heart, brain! Learn about two January 2017 studies (Finland & UConn) that founda high-cholesterol egg diet did NOT increase risk of dementia or Alzheimer’s, and it improved the lipid profile!  Serum antioxidants increased as well!  Also learn about the benefits of eggs, egg quality, and pass the word to avoid BPA exposure (plastics used for food storage) especially for those pregnant and during lactation because low dose BPA exposure (below that which the FDA considers is safe) increased the risk of an egg white allergy for infants.  AIP folks literally separate the white from the yolk for re-introduction!  Last, think about eggs as a healthy fat boosting carotenoidsas found in the salad — egg studies posted here.   Ingesting healthy fat is absolutely critical to your health as you need fat to absorb fat soluble vitamins(Vitamins A, D, E, Carotenoids, CDC nutrition report).
High serum cholesterol has been traditionally linked to dementia, memory disorders, & increased cardiovascular disease.
 In the majority of the population, dietary cholesterol affects serum cholesterol levels only slightly, and many nutrition recommendations worldwide no longer set limitations on the intake of dietary cholesterol.
One-third of Finland’s population has the APOE4 gene variant which is a risk factor for both cardiovascular diseases and memory disorders, and the APOE4 gene affects cholesterol metabolism.
Finland’s Jan 9, 2017 study, “High cholesterol intake and eggs do not increase risk of memory disorders,” Â found that a high-cholesterol diet (on average the cohort consumed 1 egg each day)did NOT increase the risk of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease — not in the entire study population nor in the carriers of APOE4 who are genetically predisposed to a greater effect of dietary cholesterol on serum cholesterol levels than others. Â On the contrary, the consumption of eggs was associated with BETTER results in certain tests measuring cognitive performance.The findings suggest that a high-cholesterol diet or frequent consumption of eggs do not increase the risk of memory disorders even in persons who are genetically predisposed to a greater effect of dietary cholesterol on serum cholesterol levels than others.
And don’t worry about egg – cardiovascular impact!
The Jan 11, 2017 UConn study, “Intake of up to 3 Eggs per Day Is Associated with Changes in HDL Function and Increased Plasma Antioxidants in Healthy, Young Adult,”  found that intake of 1 egg/d was sufficient to increase HDL function and large-LDL particle concentration; however, intake of 2–3 eggs/d supported greater improvements in HDL function as well as increased plasma carotenoids. Overall, intake of ≤3 eggs/d favored a less atherogenic LDL particle profile, improved HDL function, and increased plasma antioxidants in young, healthy adults. The 2 to 3 eggs/day consumers had a 20–31% increase in plasma antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin! This trial was registered at as Assessment of Optimal Egg Intake in a Healthy Population, NCT02531958.
But to summarize the difference between pastured vs free-range eggs:
 The pics below are MANY of our breakfasts!
Source: Cooked Eggs with phytonutrients_greens and colors,
A word about egg quality: Not All Eggs Are The Same!
 Hens are often raised in factories, caged and fed grain-based feed that alters the final nutrient composition of the eggs. It is best to buy Omega-3 enriched (organic preferably) or pastured eggs; they are more nutritious and healthier. However, conventional supermarket eggs are still a good choice if you can’t afford or access the others.  Remember, you get 12 for the price of those eggs so they aren’t as expensive as they seem.  I source eggs from ♥ Your Family Farmer  (they serve states surrounding PA) which are:
Organically Pastured
Soy Free
GMO Free
Hormone Free
Antibiotic Free
From happy hens that still have beaks…
And are free to express their chickenness!
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Egg white allergy linked to mom’s BPA exposure
More reason’s top ditch the cans and plastic food storage containers and bottles! Â Egg white allergy was associated with moms low dose BPA exposure (below that which the FDA considers as safe), in-utero and during lactation. Â Use stainless or glass for all food storage. Â See the slide below for study references.
Slide source:
The Bottom line: Â
EAT your eggs. Help heart, brain!
Best in health through awareness,
♥Last updated: November 1, 2017 at 13:22 pm   to fix the broken link forYour Family Farmer.