How can you navigate the microbiome website, Biome Onboard Awareness? EASY!
For RECIPES posted on the website,
Go to the “The Science Behind Food and Disease” section located in the right sidebar. It is circled below! Use the drop down menu and scroll down to the R’s, for RECIPES! Select beverages, breads/crackers, poultry, fish, nuts, quinoa, and so much more…! You can also link to my Pinterest, for even more family/friend tested great Whole Foods/SCD/PALEO recipes!
To FIND Microbiome associations to Specific Diseases
“The Science Behind Food and Disease” section has a drop down menu containing unique Blogs that focus on specific concerns:
- Blog: Allergies
- Blog: Alzheimer’s
- Blog: Antibiotic Resistance
- Blog: Autism
- Blog: Butyrate
- Blog: Cancer
- Blog: Clinical Trials: Diet/Environment/Disease,
- Blog: Diabetes
- Blog: Digestion
- Blog: IBD
- Blog: Leaky Gut
- Blog: Microbiome
- Blog: MS
- Blog: Toxins
- Recipes: Whole Food-SCDYogurt_Fermented Vegs
- Recipes: Condiments
- Recipes: Dehydrator
- Recipes: Desserts
- Stress
- etc…
The unique Blogs offer current science as it relates to microbiome, health and wellness for specific diseases.
For example, the “Blog – Clinical Trials: Diet/Environment/Disease” details numerous studies and clinical trials relevant to dietary protocol management and/or remission of chronic disease.
Hoping these tools on my website help you find empowerment in realizing and implementing:
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food,” ― Hippocrates
In good health through increased awareness,