Tag Archives: biome

Type 2 Diabetes, diet, microbiome

Summary:  Say you use to have Type 2 Diabetes.  How?  READ this study from ITALY.  Ma-Pi 2 diet for Type 2 Diabetes WORKED.  Type 2 Diabetes, diet, microbiome; the Ma-Pi 2 diet for Type 2 Diabetes is dietary modulation of microbiome.  Although this diet BEAT the current recommended diet by Italian professional societies (CTR) consider using it short term and supplementing the diet similar to recommendations by Drs. Mark Hyman and David Ludwig noted below, with healthy fat, wild caught fish, berries, and fermented dairy (if tolerated), since the restriction of certain groups could lead to nutritional deficiencies especially vitamin B12 and calcium.   Actually, Dr. Hyman just offered his 10 Day Detox diet for FREE to the public that clarifies all the food recommended.  You can read about that at the post, JOIN DR. MARK HYMAN FREE 10 DAY DETOX CHALLENGE.  You may still be able to take advantage of this opportunity.  To clarify the carb loads for diabetes, Dr. Ruby Aujla’s Advice to Diabetes page (which is 100% in accord with Dr. Hyman’s 10 Day Detox) says,  Get your carbs from colorful plant based sources.  Even breakfast should be brimming with those!  Bread, White Rice, Pastas, White potato, Cereals (even cereals marketed as ‘wholegrain’), Instant Oats, Refined Grains, white potato are OUT.”  The Ma-Pi2 study describes in pain staking detail, microbiome wise, microbiome impact.   Talk with your doctor for Ma-Pi 2 integration with therapy.  Managing the microbiome through diet is new, grassroots, and it works.   SAVE a friend and SHARE this post. 

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What to do if taking ANTIBIOTICS, MICROBIOME

Summary:  Antibiotics carpet bomb the microbiome. Here’s important things to do if you must take an antibiotic as noted in this article by Dr. Robynne Chutkan, MD and gastroenterologist,  see bio below. I’ve adapted the list to include the How-To-Do details.  Realize that the gist of the steps below you should ALWAYS be doing, not just during times you take antibiotics.  But be particularly diligent and persistent following these steps if you must take an antibiotic in order to try to counteract the antibiotics, microbiome, nuke!  For even more guidance on what to do before and after taking antibiotics, Dr. Mark Hyman’s recommendations from his article, Here’s the Downside of Antibiotics Your Doctor Might Not Tell You,  has been added.  Last,  the studies looking at antibiotics and Culturelle, VSL #3, and Saccharomyces boulardii or Florastor(®), as well as their precautions, are included.

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Heartburn drugs, dementia, Alzheimer’s risk for all? T2D, is it the canary in the coal mine!?!

   Fire in the gut is fire in the brain — Dementia, Alzheimer’s.  SUMMARY:  A recent study found risk of dementia in PPI users aged 75 and over.  Previous studies had found that Histamine H2 antagonists (H2RAs) also have adverse cognitive impact in the elderly but the mechanism differed… it was due to anticholinergic effects; I wrote about that here. Can the heartburn drugs, dementia, Alzheimer’s risk associations be extended to younger ages?

What may be possible mechanisms?  This post lists the PubMed studies finding that heartburn drugs put fire in the gut; they 

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Breast microbiome and Cancer Risk Assessment tool

SUMMARY:  Recent studies challenge dogma and find that healthy breast tissue is NOT sterilafter-all. The breast seems to have its own microbiome of bacteria and such seems protective; dysbiosis (REDUCED richness and/or certain species) was associated with breast cancer.   Furthermore, healthy breast tissue had bacteria  Sphingomonas yanoikuyae (Proteobacteria), which is better known to degrade pollutants in the environment. In the cancer samples, there was little to none of S. yanoikuyae; this bacteria is able to use estradiols including 17-β estradiol, which are believed to be associated with breast cancer. The authors could not determine causality due to lack of S. yanoikuyae. Learn in this post microbiome implications for breast cancer, free online breast cancer risk assessment tools, ongoing studies personalizing cancer risk for mammogram frequency to reduce false positives, and look over a decent listing for cutting your risk for breast cancer in the first place from Prevention. Included specifically on that list is carotenoid loads which I preach about, including the need to consume carotenoids with the correct healthy fat so as to absorb them. LOWFAT DOES NOT ABSORB THOSE CAROTENOIDS.

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Finally, an IBD microbiome drug goes to clinical trial

Summary:  Seres Therapeutics began its Phase 1b placebo controlled clinical trial on Dec 14, 2015, for SER-287, which is the first drug aimed at the microbiome for a non-infectious, chronic condition, ulcerative colitis (UC).  This is the first IBD microbiome drug that actually targets the constituents of the microbiome. This approach treats chronic disease without suppressing  the body’s immune response. Instead, specific strains of bacteria are introduced that re-balance the billions of different types of bacteria that are in the digestive tract, which then increases immunity and manages the disease.  Instead of being immunosuppressive, this treatment targets the root cause of UC  which is gut dysbiosis, increasing immunity. SER-287 clinical trial is currently recruiting participants if you are interested; contact information is below.

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Do microbiomes on drugs look healthy? Biologics & PPI

Summary:  I’ve wondered literally for years now, ever since I first learned of the microbiome, do microbiomes on drugs look healthy?  I call it the “drugged microbiome,” and I (foolishly perhaps) expect the drugged microbiome to look like a “healthy microbiome”  since this is where 80 to 85% of our immune status resides.  We already know that ~60 drugs are known to be affected by the microbiome  though researchers suspect the real number is much higher.  My question turns this on it’s head and asks, 

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SCD thoughts given DrOz 3 Day Cleanse, Microbiome

SUMMARY:  Finally! A peek into our trillions of innards on a 3 day fruit and vegetable blitz!  Spoiler alert:  There is NOT much impact 10 days after stopping that 3 day cleanse, microbiome resulting from healing diet tenets persist!  

And that, I think, is the lesson to be learned for the healing diets such as SCD, GAPS, PALEO, AIP, WAHLs, to name a few.  Realize, the tenets of these healing diets are for everyone if you want to prevent chronic disease, not just those with chronic disease.  These protocols increase vegetables and fruits beyond what the normal Standard American Diet (SAD) yokel is consuming and adds in healthy fats so fat soluble vitamins are actually absorbed.  This is done concomitant with ditching processed foods,  including processed sugars, and other inflammatory foods.  How powerful are these tenets?  They are healing and inducing remission in messed up impoverished gut microbiomes, and some of those folks are only 80% compliant with the diet!  Nuff said.  Shouldn’t you know what these tenets are?

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50 IBD SCD remission patients: RUSH paper

SUMMARY:  In August, 2015, RUSH University published  their study of 50 IBD Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) remission patients: The Specific Carbohydrate Diet for Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Case Series. This is the largest report on a series of patients with IBD following the SCD to date and describes their clinical characteristics.  50 patients in remission eating SCD case series are reported which comprise: 36 subjects had Crohn’s Disease, 9 subjects had Ulcerative Colitis, and 5 subjects had in-determinant IBD.  

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US Antibiotic Resistance and WHO

SUMMARY:  Antibiotic resistance is invisible to most of us until you, a family member, or an acquaintance acquires such an infection.  You can check out the slides below to see state by state, US Antibiotic Resistance Risk and state Antibiotic Use.  erhaps the most reasonable mechanism to prevent antibiotic need in the first place, is explained in the post PRESERVE & RESTORE LOSS OF MICROBIOME DIVERSITY IS AGGRESSIVE PREVENTATIVE MEDICINE.  These concepts are especially important given that the average American has lost 1/3 of their microbiome diversity, as estimated by Dr. Maria Gloria Dominguez-Bello as seen on this interview for the film “Microbirth.”   Another study estimates 1 in 4 have 40% less bacteria (see This Danish study, or read the scientific article here).  

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Preserve & Restore Loss of Microbiome Diversity is Aggressive Preventative Medicine

SUMMARY:  Aggressive Preventative Medicine means preserving the microbiome you have and restoring any loss incurred.  See how far that thought goes with your doctor!  Diet really does work to alter the microbiome and can help to restore loss of microbiome; for example, fermented kimchi actually positively impacted metabolic syndrome factors including systolic and diastolic blood pressures, percent body fat, fasting glucose, and total cholesterol.  

⇒⇒  This post teaches how to reduce the loss of microbiome diversity and restore such – crowding out concept.

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